Wednesday, June 4, 2008

America Says: Pre-marital Sex is Okay

Something my Mom mentioned to me in a comment on my last post really caught my attention. In my last post "America Says: Abortion is Okay," I didn't really say anything about why so many girls have abortions.

According to this website, 64.4% of abortions are performed on never married women and 93% of abortions occur because of (according to this website) social reasons (i.e the child is unwanted or inconvenient.)

So I would say that a lot of the abortions performed are because the woman having the procedure had sex outside of marriage and got pregnant. What is sad about the American mindset is that so many of these girls think that their only mistake was getting pregnant and that having sex was fine.

Obviously though, you are only going to get pregnant as a result of having sex, so if you don't have sex, you won't get pregnant, but girls don't seem to realize that.

I know someone that had a baby outside of marriage. My mom and I were talking about it and she jokingly said to me "You aren't going to have a baby at sixteen are you?" I said, "No, I'm not planning on it." When I told a friend about this conversation she said to me, "Well, I don't think the girls that got pregnant were planning on it either." They weren't planning NOT to get pregnant, either. That's why purity is so important.

Besides the fact that the bible condemns it, another reason premarital sex is wrong is because: a) It can lead to pregnancy and b)then those pregnancies can end in abortion.

So I would say that the problem is not just abortion, but what it stems from, which is pre-marital sex. So if you decide that you are never going to have sex before you are married, you will never have to make a decision whether or not to abort your baby.

That is why I think that courting is so important because you keep yourself from being put in a situation where you might be tempted. But I'll save the topic of courting for another blog post.


Anonymous said...

Caroline, I'm new to your blog but I totally agree with you on this issue. The Christian culture is so wrapped up in stopping abortion that we tend to forget about the root problem, pre-marital sex. If we spent more time trying to stop that, there would be less of a need to focus on abortion. Bravo!

Sean John said...

Interesting thought! With the "Everything is OK" mainstream view of the nation's culture today... morality has become highly relative. Hence, abortion and pre-marital sex is "OK". But it's not- thank God for absolute truth! It is up to us believers, as Josh Harris puts it "as people who have been rescued", we need to share the truth that abortion or pre-marital sex is NOT ok.

Nice blog. Very Christ-exalting. :)

God bless you!

chandra said...

Great blog Caroline! I am thankful that there ARE still girls out there, like you, that value themselves enough to make the right choices. WTG!
Love ya,
Mrs. Chandra

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts Caroline! I totally agree with you. It is SO expected, in our culture, that teenagers will have pre-marital sex that it is hardly even addressed anymore. I would like to say that I am only seeing that in the secular world, but I also see it amongst Christians. Purity, is much more than abstinence, it also a matter of the heart. The strength to remain pure is not found in a brochure at the health department, but instead, can be found in Scripture.

deb said...

Good post!! As a yougn woman I fall for the modern view of sex and love. Its based on a shallow, almost childish, concept of love and sex.

You have a very nice blog by the way and I am enjoying my visit here.