Friday, June 6, 2008

Photo Editing

So I have this application on my computer called It's really cool because you can basically take any picture and turn it into kind of impressionist painting;at least, that's what I think they look like. I know some people might not like these because they are somewhat irritating to look at.

But the pics are as follows:

1. Elizabeth Swann from POTC3.
2. Will Turner from POTC3.
3. Jack Sparrow from POTC3.
4. Arwen from LOTR.
5. The Nazgul from LOTR.
6. Susan Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia 2.
7. Susan with griffon from The Chronicles of Narnia 2.

1 comment:

deb said...

Okay. This is cool. Sorry that I sound like a teenager instead of a middleaged woman but what other word can I use to describe this!