Saturday, May 31, 2008

Amercia Says: Abortion is Okay

What America says about abortion is not just that it is okay, but that it is legal. Here is a little bit of history about abortion.

Abortion was legalized in 1973 at the end of the famous Roe v. Wade court case. What happed was that a woman named Jane Roe (actually a pseudonym for Norma McCorvey) decided she wanted an abortion. She first went to her state to try to have abortion legalized. From there the case ended up in the Supreme Court, and the conclusion was that abortion was made legal. Suddenly any woman that wanted to kill her unborn baby could.

As a note, in 1995 Norma McCorvey became part of the pro-life movement. She now tries to make illegal a case she fought so hard to have legalized.

I believe that abortion is wrong because I believe abortion is murder. In Exodus 20:13 (NIV) is says: You shall not murder. Therefore, I believe that abortion is not only murder but also a sin.

I think that these doctors who perform abortions and the women having the abortions have brainwashed themselves into thinking that the baby isn't a life. They call the baby a "fetus" and refer to it as an object, as opposed to a human being. I know that one of the reasons that Pro-Choice advocates give for the legality of abortion is that the baby in question of being aborted isn't viable. Viability is being capable of living. So they say that the baby isn't a human because it isn't capable of living on its own. However, if you left a one or two year old alone it wouldn't be capable of living on its own. Generally, everybody considers one and two year olds to be humans. So I see that as putting a stop to that reason for the legality of abortion. Of course, the pro-Choice people wouldn't agree with me.

Another thing I think is funny is that if someone murders a pregnant woman, the killer can be charged with a double homicide, one killing for the mother and one for the baby. But, if the baby isn't a life, how can someone be charged with ending it?
The definition of homicide is: The killing of one human being by another. So, obviously someone thinks that unborn babies are lives.

Because abortion is morally wrong, people end up contradicting themselves as they try to find some way to say that abortion is fine, legal, okay, correct, all of the above.

What I have to say is that I believe abortion is WRONG, and that as Christians, we should stand against abortion and put up a fight to get abortion made illegal.


Joe Blackmon said...


I am afraid that with the judicial system being what it is taday it would require a conservative president or two to get the supreme court in washington dc to be willing to overturn roe v wade. It is discouraging and sickening. Enjoyed the blog.

Alice C. said...

I agree with you, honey. As Christians we also need to teach young people to avoid the behaviors that result in "unwanted" pregnancies. Premarital sex is so accepted these days in society, and Christian people need to take a stronger stand on that. Joe is right, we need a conservative Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. We can all be praying for that to happen.