Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Addendum to Chick-fil-a

I just wanted to add a something to the previous post. Every time I think that I have seen the weirdest possible thing, inevitably something even weirder happens. For example, until yesterday the strangest thing that had happened to me was the girl that rapped her order to me. Yesterday, I was doing some sort of cleaning work in the front counter (this is what we perpetually do when we are bored) and I saw a lady approaching the counter who seemed............a little inebriated. Then I realized that she was holding a cup of beer in her hand while kind of staggering toward us. (She must have brought the beer into the mall with her, because I don't think you can get it at any of the restaurants in the food court.) She managed to get to the counter. She set her beer down and told me she wanted an ice cream cone. (Please keep in mind that this is at about 11 o'clock in the morning.) She paid, I gave her the cone, and she left. A moment later we realized........her beer was sitting on the counter, in plain view of all the other guests that were now forming a line. So, we threw it out; no big deal. Fortunately, I think she was too drunk to remember where she left her beer because she didn't come back.

So like I said before, weird things happen to me at work. Over all though, I think the drunk lady leaving her beer on the counter may have topped the strange list for now.

1 comment:

Alice C. said...

I still say you should write a book about it.