Thursday, April 2, 2009

Be Transformed......

Today's society is filled with many things that we as Christians shouldn't have anything to do with. Unfortunately, many Christians still want to be able to do them, because they are tempted by their sinful desires. So a lot of times they do. They listen to whatever music, filled with whatever lyrics , that they want. They watch whatever T.V. shows and movies they want, and they read books with inappropriate content. When I have asked people why they think that it is okay to listen to music with swear words and watch movies with bad content, the answer that I get is, "Well, it doesn't affect me, so I don't see why there is anything wrong with it." But the truth is, music and movies like that will affect you. It will make you start thinking more about things that you shouldn't be. Even if it doesn't affect what you do on the outside, God still knows what you're thinking on the inside. Romans 12:2 says:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

How can we be renewing our minds if we are filling our heads with stuff that is inappropriate? Sometimes even stuff that we would be ashamed if others knowing about it?

So I make it my effort not to listen to a lot of secular music, and not to read books like Harry Potter and Twilight. I also stay away from R rated movies.

Now, I'm not saying that I think that people should never listen or read anything that is secular. I just think that people have to be aware of and stay away from foul content. How can we be renewing our minds if we aren't???


Renata said...

Hi Caroline,
I read your post last night and today I was thinking about things a bit more.

I think a good verse to go with this is 1 Corinthians 6:12 "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything."

It's not just foul things that we should be staying away from, but from anything that is mastering us. This can even be rubber stamping, or reading the latest "Christian" romance novel that portrays an unrealistic idea of true love (I can elaborate on that later if you'd like). It's singing hymns and choruses during the service and not really paying attention to it.

What is most important is that we don't rely on the things we do or don't do to transform us, but we rely on the work of the Spirit. That we rely on His grace, so that we may not boast (and yes, grace is not a license to sin). All these dos and don'ts can easily appeal to our flesh, which is not what God is trying to transform.

God's peace to you :-)

Caroline said...

I agree with you, especially about the "Christian" romance novels. There are a lot of authors that I just stay away from because of what is in their books. That's probably because I don't see how Christian and romance can really go together.

Lindsay said...

Hey Caroline it's me Lindsay. I just read what you posted and I agree. You are very smart. I miss you so much!!

LiNdSaY B-)