Friday, September 12, 2008

Please, Don't Forget

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday about my thoughts on the 7th anniversary of 9/11, so I want to today. Last year, I asked you all to remember 9/11. To see that post click here. I'm going to ask you all again to remember, but most of all don't forget. By the time our children's children's children are adults, 9/11 will just be an event in a history textbook, like so many of us see the Civil War or the American Revolution now. Eventually, no one will remember what the U.S. was like before September 11, 2001 happened, or what is was like before the War in Iraq.

Yesterday, my family watched replays of the original media coverage from September 11. It was awful to know, even while the reporters didn't yet, that both of those towers were going to fall, and all of the trapped people inside had died when it happened.

I also watched President Bush's speech at the dedication of the Pentagon Memorial yesterday. The memorial consists of 184 benches, one for each person killed in the building and on American Airlines Flight 77.

I was just thinking, so many people went to work that day and never came home. We don't know how many were saved, but I'm sure the ones that were ended up in their heavenly home with their wonderful Savior much more quickly than they probably expected. The ones that weren't saved, however, found out a lot more quickly than they ever imagined that hell is a very real place. It hurts to think of how many people ended up there on that Tuesday morning. But I firmly believe that in every moment, including the 9/11 attacks, that God is in control, and we just have to trust in Him, even when we don't understand why something happened.

So please, just remember, and tell your children and your grandchildren, so our future generations can know what happened that day.

Above, a rendering of the Pentagon memorial.

Above, a rendering of the proposed World Trade Center memorial, showing the footprints of the buildings.